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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Even if your boss loves you

For the past 10 years, I’ve been an IT Program Manager at a Fortune 100 company. In my last annual performance appraisal, in March 2009, my manager gave me the top performance rating and advised me that I was the only person in our group to receive that rating. He said he would probably recommend something in the 3-4 percent range. Then, a week later, my company froze salaries and recognition programs for all employees.

A year later, the company has announced that salary planning will resume and that any actions will take place in April 2010. I fully expect to be given the same performance appraisal as I was in March 2009. I have researched salaries and believe I should receive a 6 percent increase but would accept a 4 percent raise. How do I approach my boss about this?

Hop over to BNET and find out why you are not getting a huge raise

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