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Wednesday, October 06, 2010

I’m Doing a Bad Job. Can I Still Get a Raise?

So, you're not a stellar performer. In fact, you think your performance is mediocre. But, you are still underpaid. Is there a chance for a raise anyway?

I’m Doing a Bad Job. Can I Still Get a Raise?


Anonymous said...

Why not ask for a raise? Failing up has worked for a lot of very successful people. Why can't it work for the rest of us, too? I think there's a book idea here...


Anonymous said...

I believe you are onto something..there is a good book idea here. I work with plenty of people that are promoted solely on who they know, not education, skill, or talent.

Anonymous said...

My first job out of undergrad was a government job. My predecessor was there for one single week of overlap time, and was only give 2 hours of time with me while I wasn't in various government orientations.

My boss was sleeping with her boss, and had nearly no time for me. She gave me a "mentor", but really no one knew how to do my predecessor's job. I found my day to day activities doing nothing, and begging others for work.

When my six month review came up, it was the second time I had seen my boss since I started there outside of large interdepartmental, meetings, and I wasn't that shocked when it wasn't stellar. What did shock me was she thought I was doing a bad job when I was barely holding together what I knew how to do.

What mistakes did I make? I didn't ask her for help. I highly doubt looking back she would have helped me though, but I should have pushed the issue daily. I was afraid if I asked too many questions, I would be seen as incompetent.

As it was, at month 8 I asked if I could have time on her calendar. In my naivete, I discussed with her my dissatisfaction with my job, with how infrequent I had direction from her, and how I was thinking of perhaps transferring to another area of the government where my skills may fit better.

She turned around, typed my name into a standardized form, and I was let go immediately.