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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Are Personality Tests Required For the Job You Want?

It’s hard enough to get someone to look twice at your resume and now, more and more, you need not only the right resume, but the right personality.

To read more click here: Are Personality Tests Required for the Job You Want?


the gold digger said...

I worked for a woman who gave all prospective employees an intelligence/personality test. She was a crazy lady and the test was illegal, I think:

Tony Morrison said...

Interesting read. Hiring the right candidate is more important than ever, and a resume alone is no longer an accurate representation of a candidate. Personality tests won't be a perfect predictor either, but it's a step, hopefully, in the right direction.

Human Resource Management System said...

This is true. There too many kinds of people already that finding one best suited for your job is very hard to do.