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Friday, December 17, 2010

What if Your Work Secret Santa Gift Could Be Secret?

Do you really want to give your IT gal those awesome ThinkGeek bucky balls? Are you happy coughing up for a Bath & Body Works gift set for the CFO? Not if the IT gal turns routinely turns off her pager, and the CFO delivers his bad tidings with something like glee.

Secret Santa time may not put you in the holiday spirit. But you can deliver the well-wrapped goods and still vent your unspirited feelings. If you’re truly a Secret Santa. What if the lucky recipient would never, ever, not in a million years, find out how carefully you shopped for the gift with a well-aimed kick? Here are 6 suggestions for anonymous holiday gift giving.
First up: For the Micro-Managing Boss

1 comment:

Interview Question Asked said...

we are happy coughing up for a Bath & Body Works gift set for the CFO.